Monday, December 12

Stir Crazy, Which Way Is Up....

Bustin Lose, Car Wash, Harlem Nights, Jo Jo Dancer, Silver Streak, The Wiz and a delightful cameo in The Muppet Movie.... to name a few.....( I own them all and watch them too frequently to admit)

I have to mention another movie I bought because Richard Pryor was with Bill Cosby in this one "California Suite" ( a Neil Simon screenplay)....they were friends on vacation in this movie....and though it was muy toned down for the usual Richard Pryor was cute and I like that they were on the screen together. It's worth a peek. And of course....the stand-up comedy...just out of this world. Richard Pryor's contribution to the world of entertainment is/was and always will be priceless and far beyond an expression of words.

I'm sad about the end of an era yet I'm pleased the brother's suffering has come to an end. Rest in Peace, Sir Richard Pryor.
Thank you for being one of the funniest M'fers on the planet and sharing it with the rest of us and paving the way for the rest of the (black) funny m' Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac and stay tuned for more to come.

Things I wonder about in my strange world with my strange mind......Gene Wilder....will he attend Richard Pryor's funeral? As they were a great comedic team. I know, I know...but it is an interesting thought.

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